Transformer Oil filter units, Deacidification, Standalone Vacuum Pump units

Rebuilds & Reconditioning of Existing Units

For Australian Built & Vokes Stream-Line Plants
Transformer Filtration Systems (TFS)
Transformer Filtration Systems (TFS) is a specialist company dedicated to the treatment of transformer insulating oil and Dust Collector equipment. TFS produces our own robust Australian built Micro glass (MG) cartridge range of Transformer Oil filter plants, as well as providing servicing, refurbishment and upgrading of existing transformer oil filtration plants. Based on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia, our clients extend throughout Australia and internationally.
Australian Made Transformer Oil Dehydration Filter Plants
TFS now offer users our own robust transformer oil dehydration filter plants with our Australian built MG range of filter plants. With our MG filter plants we provide unsurpassed support with over 25 years of experience with transformer oil filtering units.

Vokes Spare Parts & Unit Reconditioning

With over 27 years’ experience in manufacture, sales, service and support starting back in 1996 with VOKES Stream-Line insulating oil treatment plants, we provide Vokes spare parts for Vokes Stream Line plants throughout Australasia.
We also offer servicing, refurbishment and upgrading of Vokes Stream-Line plants, by a UK factory trained technician, in our own Australian workshop, based on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland.
Environmentally Friendly
Our oil filtration plants, particularly the “E” series and the DA plants, are environmentally friendly as they recondition the oil, eliminating the need for it to be dumped and allowing it to be continuously reused. This sustainable approach minimizes the environmental impact by reducing the amount of oil waste and conserving resources.